Dynamic DOM Content
In some special cases, a shape content is composed from a
dynamic element structure. Pencil provides the DomContent
behavior so that DOM content's of an element can be changed
dynamically. Value provided to this behavior is a DOM node that
will be used to placed as children of the target element. Together
with providing this behavior, Pencil also provide ultility
functions for quickly building DOM node and fragment from the spec
defined as JavaScript objects.
<Shape id="list" displayName="List" icon="Icons/list.png"> <Properties> <PropertyGroup> <Property name="box" displayName="Box" type="Dimension">191,235</Property> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup name="Item Text"> <Property name="contentText" displayName="Text Content" type="PlainText" p:editInfo="({targetName: 'content', bound: Bound.fromBox($box, 0, 52), font: $itemFont, align: new Alignment(0, 0), multi: true})">MenuItem MenuItem MenuItem</Property> <Property name="itemFont" displayName="Text Font" type="Font"> <E>$$defaultTextFont</E> </Property> <Property name="itemColor" displayName="Text Color" type="Color">#000000ff</Property> </PropertyGroup> </Properties> <Behaviors> <For ref="content"> <Bound>Bound.fromBox($box, 0, 54)</Bound> <Font>$itemFont</Font> <DomContent> var items = $contentText.value.split(/[\r\n]+/); var specs = []; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i ++) { var css = new CSS(); var title = items[i]; if(title.match(/\S/) != null) { var lineHeight = (i + 1) * (30 + $itemFont.getPixelHeight()); var css = new CSS(); css.set("font-size",$itemFont.size); css.set("font-family",$itemFont.family); css.set("font-style",$itemFont.style); css.set("font-weight",$itemFont.weight); css.set("font-decor",$itemFont.decor); css.set("fill", $itemColor.toRGBString()); specs.push({ _name: "text", _uri: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", x: 10, y: lineHeight, _text : title, style: css },{ _name: "path", _uri: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", d: "m 10,"+ (lineHeight+10) + " "+($box.w - 20)+",0" , style : "stroke-width:1;stroke:#c9c9c9" }); } } Dom.newDOMFragment(specs); </DomContent> </For> </Behaviors> <p:Content xmlns:p="http://www.evolus.vn/Namespace/Pencil" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g id="content" /> </p:Content> </Shape>
In this example, the text content entered by users is supposed
to be in a format of multiple lines. The code inside the behavior
splits that text and create for each line a text
element containing that line and a path
element as the
footer of the text
The utility method Dom.newDOMFragment(specs);
used here to create DOM fragment from the object specs.